Project Funding – Active Funding Support & Collateral Backing

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Commercial projects, especially “tangible” projects, are generally highly attractive in current financial markets. (The trend is that lenders and investors are pulling out of bank accounts, and placing wealth into tangible projects.)

In volatile economies, funding sources do not lend to or invest in “projects” – they fund against “collateral” or “asset backing”. Expertly preparing the project to meet “asset-backed loan” criteria is thus extremely important, even if it is for private investors.

For this reason, establishing equity or assets as “collateral”, or obtaining and structuring third party asset backing (even if you do not have any of your own) is a major component of the “Project Financing” support services.

A client seeking project financing will need licensed certified support of their documents to make the project bankable for multiple types of funding options (i.e. both loans and investment) from both institutional and private funding sources.

As established banking and financial institutions, our Banking Consortium providers have powerful methods to make projects bankable”, arrange third-party collateral if needed, structure collateral or asset backing into the funding package, and then help the client directly approach lenders and investors. (Private investment can be structured as a “loan” if you are not willing to give away up to 30% of shares.)

This service is fully flexible for either commercial loans, private direct investment, or both. Clients are allowed to switch between either funding type during the course of work by the provider, and can ultimately launch even both types of funding, under the same service package.

Obtaining project financing can be done in a way that is extremely simple for the client, but requires intensive and fast-paced licensed work and certification by a banking institution, to make the project (and some form of structured collateral) “bankable” in a way that traditional “asset-based lenders” or the most demanding investors can easily accept.